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project luv ya.

Smile often. Laugh loudly. Love others. This is how we remember my father-in-law, Gregory Gasaway. A man who could make friends anywhere he went. Striking up conversations with strangers that ultimately ended in both of them smiling and laughing.

Like anyone who has lost someone they love, we try to keep his spirit alive. My father-in-law passed away before our son, Oliver, was even a thought — but we believe their spirits met in passing. We do our best to show Oliver photos and tell him, “your Poppy would say _______”, anytime a situation calls for it.

Now winter in the midwest is very cold and very grey. We're all in our homes, a lot. Add in a pandemic and depression can seep-in quite quickly. Especially for those who live alone and don't have family close-by. This Valentine's Day, we don't want anyone to feel alone, and it’s so important that each of us feel loved. In the spirit of Poppy, we want to teach Oliver that even though you may not know someone, it’s important to show them love. This is something we ALL can do by simply loving our neighbors.

Taking my cue from a man who showed love to everyone he met, I’ve created Project Luv Ya. “Luv Ya” was his most common sign-off. We’re blessed to still have it, in his handwriting, on greeting cards and our wedding "guest book" poster (pictured above).

how it works.

Choose a few neighbors you want to show love to — as many as you want! Create (or purchase) a large heart that can be easily displayed in a window. It can be paper, a window cling, a hand-drawn picture of hearts, a store bought decoration — anything. You may also download and print the coloring sheet below. Create one heart for each neighbor.

In addition to the heart, print and attach the letter below. It explains Project Luv Ya and provides each recipient with instructions on how they too can pass their love along to another neighbor. Start this chain of neighborly love a few weeks before Valentine's Day. After awhile, your neighborhood will feel so loved as you drive through, seeing your windows covered in hearts.



Heart Coloring Page:

Project Luv Ya Letter:

show me. show me.

I would LOVE to see your window covered in #projectluvya hearts! Show me on Instagram @lifesagasblog


Happy Valentine’s Day!

love & laughter.

jackie (and poppy)



hey there, momma!

I'm thrilled you've come to hang with me! My name is Jackie. I started this blog to connect with other moms and the share the realness of balancing everything in life. Finding balance is a daily practice, and in this blog I'll share what that looks like for my family. I hope you find it helpful and I'm so happy you're here!

let my posts
come to you.


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